Investors!,Investors welcome.Beautiful 3 bed 2 bath apartment located in a nice and convenient neighborhood in Homestead close to US1 and turnpike expressway,shopping centers,restaurants and other conveniences adding more appeal. This unit has very spacious rooms and large closets for comfortable and organized storage. New washer and dryer, A/C unit,impact windows and sliding glass doors adding natural light. Storage room and balcony. Condominium has clubhouse,pool,parking spaces and more. I welcome you to come see and make it your home! **Unit is currently rented until Nov.2025 ask me for more info.**
MLS# | A11634119 |
Listing Type | For Sale |
Style | Condominium |
Suite Number | 3308 |
HOA Dues | $668 |
Sub-Type | Resale |
Status | Active |
Year | 2006 |
Days On Site | 194 |
Listing Provided By | London Foster Realty | Mauricio Padilla |
Bed(s) | 3 |
Bath(s) | 2 Total |
SQ Feet | 1,126 |
Pool | Yes |
Story(s) | 3 |
Property View | Other |
State | FL |
County | Miami Dade |
City | Homestead |
Zip Code | 33033 |
Area | 79 |
Community Name | VISTA TRACE 3 CONDO |
School District | South Dade |
Elementary School | Leisure City |
Middle School | Homestead |
High School | South Dade |
Listing VS Median (in VISTA TRACE 3 CONDO) | |
Price: $264,000 low | high Med: $262,000 SqFt: 1,126 low | high Med: 1,126 $ / SqFt: $234 low | high Med: $233 On Site: 194 low | high Med: 125.000000 |